roadbumpIt’s been nearly 4 weeks since I saw the scale move at all!!! I am down to 157 pounds but have 17 left to my goal weight. So that is a total of 73 pounds lost since January of 2007 –

I have never reached my “goal weight” – ever! Will I be able to do it this time around? YES, I WILL!!

This is my pledge – to myself-

“I promise to finish what I started! I promise and pledge to remain focused, yet realistic. I promise to NOT become obsessed with the number on the scale yet allow that number to continue to motivate me to finally reach the goal that I have set for myself. I promise to allow myself to have a “bad day”. I promise to look for health and happiness as my ultimate goal.”

We all have bumps in the road toward our weight loss goals. Let’s brush ourselves off, get right back on track and keep our eye on the prize!

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